
I’ve been quiet here – and there is a reason. I have moved. An abrupt move. Across the Atlantic, with twin infants and a toddler. By myself. I’m a geographically single mom of one month and I miss my husband, and I wish I could fully agree that he was needed more back in Egypt……

Bake Donuts With Your Toddler

My oldest daughter loves helping in the kitchen.  She is three years old and somehow loves to follow directions.  She is at an age where she can understand when we say “that’s not enough” or “that’s too much” and “no, we don’t put mustard in the cupcake batter.  Yet.”  She loves to experiment and we…

The Third Worst Night of My Life

Trigger warning! Please be careful as you being to read this. I want to share this experience because I had never lost a dog before. I think this could help some people understand the experience. Writing it was cathartic, and has helped me pay homage to the dog who loved us for 10 years of…

Focused Living and Writing

There are several reasons I decided to start a blog. One of them is that I want to focus on writing. A blog is a great way to develop the habit of writing and discover (or re-discover) your written voice. I believe in the power of written voice.  After all, one of the first things…

Foods Which Team Up For The Good

Even though I’m not a nutritionist, biologist, or doctor of any kind, I am trying to know myself as the unique organism that I am.  The quality of my brain is particularly vulnerable, since I have chemical imbalances and genetic predispositions to dementia.  

A Safe Hideaway

Hidden away, not far from the road, was a small group of house-like buildings that make up the NAOMI house. Native American Outreach Ministries Inc. has made themselves an emergency shelter where Native American children find refuge.

Jesus Hug Craft

Once you print the template, read the verse and talk about what they think it means while they color. You can either cut it out for them, or make it part of scissor practice if they’re about three to four years old. If they can cut the pieces out themselves, take the time to expand…

Someone May Not Miss Church…

When I was just out of the military, I was going through one of the deepest bouts of depression I can remember. I had just married my amazing husband, who knew me well enough to know I may be difficult. I had friends, I had no family troubles… it was just pure chemical imbalance. Now,…

Can’t Attend a Baby Shower?

My all time favorite thing about those first six weeks or so after the baby is born, besides the baby, is the diaper changes with personalized diapers.  The notes on them were encouraging, funny, or just reminders that I am loved and not alone.


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